Are you looking for a way to control money? Then stop using a credit card and start saving money now. Otherwise, during an emergency, you’ll find an empty pocket.
Saving $1,000 a month can fulfill your many financial needs. Yes, you heard right. It’s possible to save $1,000 to accomplish your goals. But first and foremost, start paying off debt. It’s a baby step towards saving money.
Moreover, it doesn’t matter how much money you earn. Once you earn more, you spend more. The more you spend, especially with a credit card, the more you count interest. So why taking a headache? With a few tips, you can easily save money by cutting unnecessary costs.
However, it may sound irrelevant as, during COVID-19, many people have lost jobs or not paid enough. But what if an emergency occurs like your kids get sick, cars get flat tires or bathroom sinks overflowed. So, be ready with enough dollars in your bank if such messes show up. Eventually, you can pay easily and move on to other important stuff.
Make some adjustments to daily expenditure and you’re ready to go. You not only make $1,000 but also make it fast. Now you may be wondering how to save money fast. Don’t worry. This article will provide you some cool tips. Although these ideas won’t make a big fortune but help you growing savings.
How to Save Money Fast?
Getting out of debt or avoid taking new debt can be the first step. However, you may need more financial planning to save money fast. By following some plans and creating limits, you may found yourself with more money at the end of the month. So are you willing to avoid financial waste? Let’s give you some handy tips for how to save money fast.
1. Create a Budget
Why don’t you start budgeting to save money? You probably never realized how much you could have when creating a budget. It’s true without a budget, you spend money recklessly here and there. Eventually, by month-end, you have no idea where the money went.

With this in mind, start making a list of how to spend every dollar. Keep an amount of $1,000 as an emergency fund at the top of the list. Then decide where the rest goes. However, it might not be enough to save $1,000 every month, but you surely be close to that. In effect, you’ll possibly never run out of cash at month-end.
2. Cut Back Overspending
After creating a budget, move forward to cut back on overspending. More or less, everyone tends to spend unnecessarily after receiving the salary. Hence, you better watch out for those expenses. Let’s know the secret behind saving money quickly by cutting your spending.

- Avoid dining out and overspending shopping:
Everybody loves to go to dinner at fancy restaurants. That’s ok for one time in a month. But it doesn’t mean you’ve to eat regularly in restaurants. So, avoiding dining out or Saturday night drink with friends is the first suggestion to cut your spending. However, if you can’t cook, no problem. There are numerous easy cooking techniques and recipes online.
Furthermore, when you’ve sufficient clothes, don’t overflow the wardrobe with new ones. You can save plenty of money if you stop shopping randomly. So, ask yourself, do you really need new clothes? Moreover, try to be creative with what you’ve already.
So, give it a try for at least six months and see the result. In this way, you can save some time too.
- Trim Entertainment Expenses:
If having fun costs you extra dollars, then drop it. For the sake of saving $1,000 fast, don’t spend big money on entertainment, such as visiting movie theaters, sports or concerts.
Are you serious about saving money fast? Then try some $0 entertaining budget. Here are some tips for you to enjoy free fun without spending a penny.
- Bike riding.
- Hiking.
- Visit the local museum on a free day.
- Take kids to a local park or playground.
- Play indoor games.
- Make a garden backyard to spend time.
- Build a fort with cushions and pillows to entertain children.
So, you see there many inexpensive ways to enjoy life without spending too much. Moreover, it’s good to give some time to your family and kids.
- Get Rid of Cable TV:
Being a sports fan, you definitely require a cable TV at home. But that expensive cable or satellite TV bills can be troublesome while saving money. So, are you planning to cut the cable cord?
No problem, some amazing cable alternatives are waiting for you. Even not just sports but also many series, movies, cartoons, dramas, you can have in one place for free or monthly/yearly charge. For example,
- Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime or Sling.
- An over-the-air antenna for a free and better TV signal.
- Watch NFL live stream without cable for free.
- Stick to the Grocery List:
Creating a budget or avoiding overspending doesn’t mean you’ve to compromise with necessary expenses. Grocery, gas, electricity, child-care, medicines etc., are some regular or monthly expenses you need to take care of. However, you can’t cut those out but cut back.
Here are some guides for saving money on the grocery.
- Prepare a grocery list and stick to it. It helps to make a meal plan according to your budget rather than buying food that may waste.
- Make a price comparison and go to the cheap store.
- Try store brands or generic brands.
- Visit a local store or find the nearest store to travel less.
- Ask for a discount.
- If there is a great deal on an item you need, buy it in bulk.
Sooner or later, you’ll learn how to spend less in grocery stores.
- Sign Up for the Customer Loyalty Program and Rewards:
Who doesn’t love a discount? If you have a discount card for a drugstore or grocery store, don’t forget to use it. Not to mention, it’s an excellent opportunity to save money using reward points while purchasing.
But if you don’t have it, no worries. Sign up to get an immediate discount on certain household supplies, food and other goods. Moreover, sign up for email and download the store’s app to know if any special offer or event is going on. So, you can purchase with a minimum amount.
Additionally, with loyalty reward programs, you earn free gift cards and cashback. Use the cards during checkout to earn rewards for the next purchase or get discounts at the gas station.
At the same time, follow the brand’s social media profiles. Sometimes, they announce any special offers on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. So, pay attention and don’t miss the chance.
- Re-arrange the Fixed Bills:
Small alterations on groceries or other regular expenses can save money. On the contrary, big-ticket items like car insurance, health insurance, rent, mortgage etc., may not fit the budget.
Most of the time, you set the monthly fixed bills and forget later. You probably have selected those plans years ago and don’t even use them now. Hence, start re-arranging that bills to save $1,000 fast.
However, some fixed bills you may not re-consider. But bills for cable or internet service provider, gym membership plan can be re-examined.
So, start by writing down how much you pay for their services. As well as evaluate whether you’re using the chosen benefits or not. Furthermore, to lower bills, you can contact a customer care representative or an insurance agent to negotiate the amount or cancel the plan.
- Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions:
There are so many streaming services to entertain you. From Disney to Netflix, every streaming app has something to offer you. But have you any idea how much you waste on entertainment subscriptions?
Generally, you use a credit or debit card for a free trial in the streaming service and then forget. If you’re don’t even using it, then why spending money? Therefore, cancel the unnecessary subscriptions and put the money into savings.
In order to find which subscriptions you’ve paid for, examine the credit or debit card transactions. Some financial service companies like Wells Fargo display all your recurring transactions in a digital hub called Control Tower. Additionally, Erica, a virtual financial assistant of Bank of America, provides customer’s month-to-date spending. It alerts them if the membership subscription charge increases.
In case you don’t have an account, try some fintech apps like Trim, Bill Slasher etc., to track your subscription and save bills on it.
Furthermore, to get rid of too many subscription fees, choose only one. For example, Netflix’s monthly plan starts from $8.99 whereas, Disney plus costs $6.99/month.
- Cut Spending Using Cash-only Budget System
Do you always pay using a credit card? Then, get control of it and use cash for purchasing. Your cash-only budget system helps to save money. Thus, you can avoid exceeding the spending limit.
When you’ve a credit card in hand, it’s nearly impossible to stick to the limit. So, trick your brain into saving money by paying with cash instead of a credit card. If you’ve $150 into the pocket, that’s your limit. Put the items back if you’re above it.
But wait, are you thinking of using ATM for extra cash? Better avoid it. Otherwise, you’ll cross the spending amount and eventually can’t save money. In fact, it’s a good way to set a control on the debit or credit card.
For this reason, you can check if your bank app lets you set spending parameters on the cards. Most mobile banking apps allow you to control what or from where you want to spend money.
- Set a Travel Budget:
Further, you can save money by setting a travel budget. Sometimes, you spend unnecessarily on traveling. So, depending on your flexibility, fix a travel fare if you’re traveling daily.
Here are a few tips to understand how to save money by setting a travel budget.
- Plan your vacation according to the best but with less value.
- Take a road trip.
- Learn some travel hacks from an expert.
Visit local, state or national parks on holidays to avoid excessive travel expenses.
3. Increase the Earning
Undoubtedly, if your earning increases, it’ll be a lot easier to save money fast. Though it can’t guarantee success or may take a long time, it’s worth a try. Let’s see how to increase your income.

- Find Additional Income:
You can bring work home or ask your boss to allow for overtime. Increase your working hours temporarily can boost your savings. So there is a good chance to earn some extra dollar and save it.
In addition, you can do side income after work or at the weekend. Considering taking a side job can be a blessing for you in terms of saving extra amounts.
- Offer Different Services:
Furthermore, you can offer different services to neighbors or the community. You can do it as per your schedule and keep it simple. Eventually, you’ll bring more cash.
In order to sell your service, use social media like Facebook. Many people will get to know about it and contact you. It may be babysitting, cleaning homes, washing cars, doing yard work, fixing water lines etc.
Another point to remember, try to offer that services that people usually avoid doing by themselves. Or doesn’t have time to do. So take the chance and count how much you can save.
4. Think Radically for Saving Money
Here are some radical money-saving tips to reduce expenses immediately.

- Sell the Car:
Yess, sell your car. It isn’t easy to give up on your wheels. But probably you’re driving in the emergency fund. Not to mention, the car repairment and fuel costs are increasing day by day.
So, do you really want to overspend just to drive a fancy car? Obviously, no. Besides, if you’ve already cleared the car loan, it means you own it. Give your car a final wash and say goodbye to it.
Instead, you can buy a smaller or older vehicle. Cheap but reliable transportation is enough to save $1,000 every month.
- Stop Long Term Savings for Future:
Though it sounds crazy, you’ve to put aside long term future savings in order to save money. You need to think about today. So, focus only on saving $1,000 each month. Eventually, at the end of the year, you may have plenty in hand.
In particular, pause savings for retirement or your children’s education. Furthermore, put a limit to save for special events like birthdays, Christmas or holiday vacations.
- Sell Unwanted Stuff
Last but not least, selling unwanted stuff is the best option for how to save money fast. You can easily raise some extra amount through it.
Like other people, you may also save some unnecessary items at home. It’s time to say goodbye to them. Hence, check your closet, basement, garage or attic to find any dress, painting and old furniture you no longer need. Then display the items in social media feed, local community group, eBay or Nextdoor.
Moreover, you can print flyers to let people know about the sale. However, it will cost you a few dollars. So it’s better to use online as you can reach to many people at a time. Or else, drop items in local shops to sell stuff.
Additionally, if you find many things to sell, why don’t you host a garage sale? But keep in mind that you know the price of the item. Also, remember, you’re selling an old item. So people will love to buy them at a reasonable price. On the other hand, selling an item for less than it’s worth won’t be helpful for you.
So, do your homework and proceed to fill the wallet.
- Believe In Yourself:
No matter what tips you choose, it’s impossible to accomplish the financial goals if you don’t put effort. It surely seems tough to manage everything mentioned above. But, once you get into it, things become easy. So, believe in yourself that you can do it.
All you need is to make a correct plan for saving money fast. Then follow your willing power to build the emergency fund. Eventually, you can find the biggest and fastest way to save money.
Finally, you have an idea to turn your financial life around. Sometimes, the first step is the hardest one to take. But to get things in your favor, you may need to make some tough decisions.
However, not all tips and tricks apply to everyone. Take time and think about which suits you the best. Meanwhile, some methods can be quick, whereas some need a long time and constant effort. Your every step will add a dollar to the savings.
Moreover, these methods may not be a life-changing solution but surely make a difference. Most importantly, never give up. Track where your money goes every month. Once you realize it, the rest will become easier. So, think outside the box and find ways to save money fast.